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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Irvine Region 213 - Serving Irvine for 40 years

Fees and expenses

Program Fees

The main cost for soccer is your program fee. Each program or age group have different fees, and are displayed during registration. This is sometimes listed as Division Fee. We list some basic ones here for your convenience, but the fees will display during the registration process as well.

  • VIP Special Needs - $50
  • 4u Playground - $50
  • 5u to 19u - $175
  • Sunday Academy - $150
  • Extra - $450

Membership Fee

AYSO as a national organization charges this fee once per AYSO Year, which begins with the Fall season. If you only play one program, Fall or Spring or Academy or whenever, you'll pay the Membership Fee. If you play a second division, you won't have to pay that fee again. It doesn't matter if that second division is the same season (Academy on Sundays for example) or in another season (Winter, Spring) or even in another city (Tustin, or Chicago). This fee is non-refundable, regardless of the reason. Therefore, if you cancel or withdraw, but then sign up later in the year or even somewhere else, that fee should already be paid.

  • Membership Fee - $25

Service Fee

The registration system we use charges a service fee for each transaction. It is a small fee, but if you plan to register for a few children, doing it at the same time will save you from paying the service fee twice.

  • Service Fee - $2.75

Tryouts and Waitlist - no fees

If you are signing up for a tryout-based program such as Extra, there is no fee for this. If invited to the team and you accept, this is is when you will pay the fees.
Similarly, if you have to sign up for a waitlist in any division, you do not pay. Once invited to the program from the waitlist, you will need to pay to complete the registration process.

Other costs and fees you can expect

You should be providing your player(s) with proper shoes, shin guards, and a soccer ball. If you don't have these, you will need to buy some. Many players will already have acceptable shoes, but soccer cleats are preferred.
Many teams will discuss and ask for money for a number of things. Teams often get a team banner to put up at games. Often times, you might be asked to pitch in with other parents on the team for a small gift card for your volunteer coach or referee for an end of season party. Some of the more advanced teams might want to do a tournament or have backpacks or hoodies. These are discussions within the parents of your team, and are not Region expenses.

Questions? Email [email protected].

*Last Updated July 2024



AYSO Irvine wants to provide soccer to as many players as want to join. We understand not everyone can manage all the expenses that Irvine and the many activities around require. Therefore, the region sets aside a little money for scholarships, and additionally gives families a chance to donate to our scholarship fund during registration.

Scholarships are designed to assist Irvine families that may be having financial hardships by paying part of the Program Fee from our scholarship fund. We're sorry, but the scholarships don't cover the Membership Fee or Service Fee, and are for Irvine families only.

If money is tight for you, but you still want to get your children in soccer, you should request a scholarship. Requests are confidential and shared only with a select few board members.

Scholarship Request Form


Questions? Email [email protected].

*Last Updated August 2021

Refund Policy

We know there are circumstances in which parents need to cancel their child's registration and request a refund. Please try to do so AS SOON AS the situation arises, since late drops affect other players on the team as well as those on the waitlist.

Review our Refund Policy, and fill in the Drop Notification form. This helps us keep track of your request and helps us know if we have empty spots available to pull players from the wait list.

Please fill out the drop request form even if you don't want a refund, so other players can be pulled from the waitlist.

Drop / Withdrawal Notification Form


Refund Policy (Updated 2025)

When you register, our refund policy is likely contained in the registration electronic paperwork.  In the event the refund policy in the electronic paperwork differs from the policy, below, the policy in the registration electronic paperwork controls.

Rec / Core

The refund deadline is four weeks before the first scheduled match.  For Fall 2025, the refund deadline is August 8, 2025.

Please note: We cannot form teams until we know which players are playing. And we cannot schedule field usage for matches, practices, or sessions until our teams are formed.  Therefore, out of necessity, our refund deadline is before match, practice, or session schedules are known. Thus, we cannot offer refunds if the match, practice, or session schedule conflicts with other scheduled activities of you or your child.  Nor can we modify match, practice, or session schedules, or allow team changes.


The refund deadline is four weeks before the first scheduled match.  For Fall 2025, the refund deadline is August 8, 2025.

EPIC (formerly VIP) [Special Needs]

The refund deadline is the day before the third scheduled match.  For Fall 2025, the refund deadline is September 19, 2025.

Winter All Stars

We are unable to offer refunds.

Skills Sessions

The refund deadline is two weeks before the first scheduled session.


If you properly complete and submit the above "Drop /Withdrawal Notification Form" on or before the refund deadline, we will refund all of your program fees.

After the refund deadline we are unable to offer any refund or credit for any reason. Emailing or calling us prior to the refund deadline is not sufficient. You must properly complete and submit the above form on or before the refund deadline to be eligible for a refund. If you dispute a charge with your credit card company when you are not eligible for a refund, we will incur a charge of $35.00 along with our time to handle that dispute, which the parties agree is difficult to value, but estimate at $75.00, and you agree to be responsible for both the actual charge ($35.00) and estimated handling costs ($75.00).
If we are unable to place your player on a team (for the programs where there are teams), we will refund all of your program fees.

Unfortunately, we are never able to refund or credit the national annual player fee (currently $25.00 covering Fall 2025 and Spring 2026), or the service fees ($2.75 per transaction). Our computer system literally won't allow it.

Please allow four to six weeks after the "Drop /Withdrawal Notification Form" for your refund to post to your credit card.

Exceptions to this policy are made in the sole discretion of AYSO Region 213

National Partners

In Memory Of

Contact Us

AYSO Irvine - Region 213

14252 Culver Dr, Ste A-206
Irvine, California 92604

Email Us: [email protected]
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