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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Irvine Region 213 - Serving Irvine for 40 years


We use Matchtrak as our scheduling system, which includes referee signups.

Referees assign themselves to their game.  The link for Matchtrak is below.

Please be aware that our referee assignment guidelines govern sign ups.  Please familiarize yourself with them before signing up.

Matchtrak Scheduling System

Referee Scheduling Guidelines

On U-7 and U-8 games, you may sign up for games as far in advance as you would like.  While we would love to have neutral referees, so that parents may watch their child's game, there is no restriction on who signs up for U-7 and U-8 games.  It makes no difference whether a referee is associated with the "Home" or "Away" team.  The goal is to get the game covered.

On all other games (U-9 - U-14), please do not sign up more than thirteen days in advance.  If you do, you are subject to being removed from those future games.  For example: you may not sign up for games on Saturday, September 26, 2015 until Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 8 pm (Pacific Time).

In U-9 and above, please do not sign up to be the referee for your own child's game.  Feel free to sign up to A/R that game.  If a neutral referee does not sign up or show up, then an A/R that is affiliated with a team may referee that game after informing both coaches.  If there are two affiliated A/R's then click here for the steps to resolve who should referee the game.

Please be considerate of your fellow referees.  Signing up for a referee slot and then an A/R slot, gives opportunities to other officials, as opposed to taking two referee slots in a row.  This is especially true if you are signing up early.  If it is late in the week (or the night before), then this is guideline is relaxed.

On games that are being played on fields in other regions in Area Q, please respect that region's right to have their own officials sign up for those games.  Slots that are not covered by 5:00 pm on the Thursday before a Saturday game are open for any region's referees.  

Be forewarned that some Areas outside of Area Q do not use Matchtrak for referee assignments. (Area K may be one of those Areas.)

If you have any question about these guidelines, please send them to [email protected].

Thank you for giving your time to the players of Region 213. 

Who Will Referee?

This page will outline the steps to take to figure out who will referee when there is no referee and there are two A/Rs who are both affiliated with one of the two teams.

If a step yields an answer as to who the referee will be, then stop. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

1. Ideally, the two A/Rs should try to agree who should referee factoring experience, fitness, etc.

2. If one A/R is at or above the correct badge level for the division level and the other A/R is not, then the higher badged A/R will referee the game.

3. The A/R from the home team will referee the game.

4. If both A/Rs are from the same team, then they will flip a coin.

Referee and Volunteer Points

Region 213 uses Referee and Volunteer points in a similar way as many other regions.  Each region has their own requirements and approaches to how points are earned.  Each region also decides for themselves what the impact is for teams that meet or do not meet the requirements.

Referee points are awarded when a volunteer referee who is associated with a team (i.e. has a family relationship to a player on that team), officiates a game.  Volunteer points are awarded when parents support the program for activities outside of being a referee for a game.  Both Referee points and Volunteer points are treated the same for the purpose of recognizing volunteer engagement for a team.

Region 213 Referee and Volunteer points are tracked in Matchtrak.  The following are the ways in which teams can currently earn points:

1) Certified referees earn 1 point for being a Referee (informally called a "Center" ref) or 0.5 points for being an Assistant Referee (aka AR) on a 9U+ match.

2) In addition to the above, certified Youth referees (younger than 18 years old) are also able to earn 0.5 points for being a Referee on a 7U or 8U match.

3) The Referee Tent Team program allows volunteer parents to earn points for helping to set up or take down the referee tent every Saturday.  Points awarded are subject to change by the Referee Tent Coordinator, but our default is 0.5 points per volunteer for a set up or take down.

4) Points can also be earned for volunteering to help with occasional special events or needs in the region such as picture day, mentoring (if certified), and referee appreciation day.  Amount of points will be determined by the Regional Commissioner and Regional Referee Administrator.

5) Points can also be earned for volunteering for certain coordinator roles in the region such as the Referee Tent Team Coordinator.  Amount of points will be determined by the Regional Commissioner and Regional Referee Administrator.

Note that all of the above except #1 are recorded manually.  As such, it requires communication and coordination to manage these with some delays in updating Matchtrak.

Our Region's points requirements for each team and the impact on the season is as follows:

1) The default point requirement is set per season by the Board (not the Referee Administrator).  Adjustments to this requirement may be made by the Board in the case of exceptional circumstances.

2) Teams that reach the minimum points required are eligible for end-of-season playoffs/invitational matches.  Teams that do NOT reach the minimum point requirement are subsequently not eligible for end-of-season playoffs/invitational matches, regardless of their finished standings.

Please note that all of the above apply to both Core/Recreational and SCEDSL/Extra programs for both Fall and Spring Seasons.


Referee Committee

Regional Referee AdministratorStefan Yap 
Assistant Regional Referee Administrator
Regional Director of Referee InstructionMichael Fuller
Regional Director of Referee Assessment and MentoringDoug Birozy
Regional Youth Referee Administrator
Regional Director of Referee Equipment 
Regional Referee Director-at-Large 

National Partners

In Memory Of

Contact Us

AYSO Irvine - Region 213

14252 Culver Dr, Ste A-206
Irvine, California 92604

Email Us: [email protected]
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