Coaches COVID-19 Guidelines for Region 213 Irvine
Our Region 213 follows the OC Health Officer’s Orders & Recommendations. To make these orders and recommendations easy to understand, I will put in writing those portions important for you to know.
• Rule of Close Contact.
Close Contact is defined by being within 6’ of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more, over a 24-hour period, starting from 2 days before the illness onset of the infected person and continues until that infected person has completed his/her isolation period.
• If you get a phone call from one of your players families and they tell you that your player has been around an infected person, you will first need to ask and determine if there was close contact between your player and the infected person. If you determine close contact was made, your player will need to isolate from the team for 10 days from the date of close contact. This also applies to anyone on your sidelines during a game.
• Any player with COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell, fever, will need to isolate for a period of 10 days from the time the symptoms first appeared and 24 hours without any symptoms or fever reducing medication.
• All cases will need to be reported to our region 213 and given final approval for the player to return back to team.
• Coaches have the right to request a doctor’s note of player’s safe release back to team. All medical data will have to be directed only to the board member in charge of safety. Coaches can make the request to the region, not the player’s family, and the region will handle it from there.